Information about IBD
The following fundamental summary lists symptoms with emphasis on the large intestine and / or the small intestine, the exact differential diagnosis of which (precise attribution of the symptoms) may only be carried out by your veterinarian. A combination of both forms of IBD can occur. The questionnaire is adaptive and will continue to develop using YOUR feedback. It does not claim to be exhaustive, but promotes awareness of IBD. However, it cannot and does not want to replace a visit to your veterinarian.
Key Aspects of the Large Intestine
• General well-being unaltered, usually no temperature
• Often small segments of faeces (rather like small pellets)
• Generally heightened agitation, sometimes also increased desire not to be approached or skittishness
(psychosomatic factors)
• Noticeably loud bowel sounds
• Evident abdominal pain
• Frequent bowel eliminations (>3 times daily, up to 10 times)
• Sometimes explosive bowel eliminations but not large amounts
• Predominantly small amounts of faeces
• Predominantly slimy, partially also blood streaked, light-coloured faeces
• Recurring, often long-term (sometimes years), slowly increasing
• Normal treatment for diarrhoea does not help long-term if at all
• Conspicuous, positive short-term reaction to parenteral administration of cortisone
• In the case of complex IBD, also feverish with *a completely treatment-resistant*, highly acute to chronic history
• CRP usually raised but not necessarily
Key Aspects of the Small Intestine
• Likely to vomit slimy stomach contents accompanied by loud bowel sound
• Recurrent grass eating as with gastritis
• Agitation, skittishness
• Defecation and quality in the main unremarkable
• Moderate to medium grade increased pancreatic enzyme values
• Also *completely resistant to treatment*, highly acute to chronic history
• CRP value is generally normal.